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James Bingham, MS
Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO
James Bingham is a senior research microbiologist who currently works on a team developing new hygiene technologies to prevent the transmission of pathogens. In addition to developing new technologies he has performed research in areas including Clostridium difficile spore biology, antimicrobial mechanisms of action, patient hand hygiene, and rapid microbial detection. He holds a master’s degree in food microbiology from North Carolina State University and an undergraduate degree in food science from Cornell University.
Flu Severity This Winter – Be Prepared
By James Bingham, MS
Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO
The past two flu seasons have been mild ones, with very little virus circulating. Because of that, people’s immune systems may be more susceptible to the influenza virus, particularly younger children who may have previously had little or no exposure to the virus. Given these recent mild seasons during the pandemic, public health experts have been concerned that a severe flu season is on the horizon. Further, if it’s also circulating while COVID-19 cases are elevated, it could cause an added burden to our healthcare system. Based on the southern hemisphere’s flu season this year, public health experts are anticipating a moderate to severe flu season for the U.S. and northern hemisphere.
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Are Viruses Behaving Strangely, or Are We?
By James Bingham, MS
Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO
Viruses appear to have been acting strangely over the past year as we have emerged from COVID restrictions. During the first two years of the pandemic, many infectious diseases that typically circulate during certain times of year took a hiatus. COVID-19 precautions, like social distancing, wearing masks, increased hand hygiene and surface disinfection, and limited travel, were highly effective at limiting the spread of COVID-19 but also limited the spread of many common illnesses that spread through similar transmission routes as COVID-19.
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What Is Monkeypox? And Should I Be Concerned?
By James Bingham, MS
Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO
Also By Megan J. DiGiorgio, MSN, RN, CIC, FAPIC
Senior Clinical Manager, GOJO Industries
News coverage of the ongoing global monkeypox outbreak has been intense. With news that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), many may be recalling the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the WHO declared it a PHEIC (on Jan. 30, 2020).
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Navigating the Landscape to Select the Right Surface Sanitizer for Your Restaurant
By James Bingham, MS
Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO
Food safety - it’s top of mind for all restaurant owners. But with numerous components of a strong food safety program to consider, it can be difficult for restaurant owners and operators to focus on all areas at all times.
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Navigating the Landscape to Select the Right Surface Sanitizer for Your Restaurant
By James Bingham, MS
Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO
Food safety - it’s top of mind for all restaurant owners. But with numerous components of a strong food safety program to consider, it can be difficult for restaurant owners and operators to focus on all areas at all times.
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