

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

Dave Shumaker

Microbiology Scientist, GOJO Industries

Dave Shumaker, B.S., is a Microbiology Scientist with GOJO Industries. He is responsible for hand hygiene research, evaluation of novel antimicrobial technologies as well as industrial and cosmetic microbiology. Dave received his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Microbiology at Ohio University.
The Food Safety Modernization Act
The Food Safety Modernization Act Will Protect the Health of Americans


By Dave Shumaker

Microbiology Scientist, GOJO Industries

In shifting the focus of regulation from responding to food contamination outbreaks to preventing them at the source, the FSMA Produce Safety Proposed Rule is a critical component of FSMA, the most advanced set of changes in food safety laws since the Great Depression.

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The Food Safety Modernization Act
The Food Safety Modernization Act Will Protect the Health of Americans


By Dave Shumaker

Microbiology Scientist, GOJO Industries

In shifting the focus of regulation from responding to food contamination outbreaks to preventing them at the source, the FSMA Produce Safety Proposed Rule is a critical component of FSMA, the most advanced set of changes in food safety laws since the Great Depression.

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Refillable Bulk Soap
Refillable Bulk Soap: Is it worth it?


By Dave Shumaker

Microbiology Scientist, GOJO Industries

Have you ever washed your hands with soap from a refillable bulk soap dispenser? If so, you may have left the restroom with more germs on your hands than when you entered.

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Refillable Bulk Soap
Refillable Bulk Soap: Is it worth it?


By Dave Shumaker

Microbiology Scientist, GOJO Industries

Have you ever washed your hands with soap from a refillable bulk soap dispenser? If so, you may have left the restroom with more germs on your hands than when you entered.

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