We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists,
nurses and other professionals post regularly
and we also get the views of outside experts and
thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the
GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.
Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
Thom Wojtkun is a National Account Director for Commercial Real Estate at GOJO Industries. Thom has been with GOJO for 14 years. In his role, he focuses on delivering unique insights to building management on the acquisition, retention, satisfaction and health of building occupants through the often overlooked lens of hand hygiene solutions.
Keep Your Guard Up and the Risk of Office Illness Down
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
While the traditional cold and flu season is drawing to a close, the workplace germs that lead to illness don’t always pay attention to the calendar. Even though spring nears, you’re still at risk of catching a cold – and what could be worse than coughing and sneezing away a wonderful spring day (or any day, for that matter)? The solution to keeping the doctor away is as simple – and more proven – than an apple a day.
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Keep Your Guard Up and the Risk of Office Illness Down
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
While the traditional cold and flu season is drawing to a close, the workplace germs that lead to illness don’t always pay attention to the calendar. Even though spring nears, you’re still at risk of catching a cold – and what could be worse than coughing and sneezing away a wonderful spring day (or any day, for that matter)? The solution to keeping the doctor away is as simple – and more proven – than an apple a day.
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Don’t Let the Flu Slow Down Your Office
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
The impact the flu has on both employee and employer health is significant, yet there are actions employers can take to help in keeping employees, and even their bottom line, healthy.
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Don’t Let the Flu Slow Down Your Office
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
The impact the flu has on both employee and employer health is significant, yet there are actions employers can take to help in keeping employees, and even their bottom line, healthy.
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Don’t Let the Flu Slow Down Your Office
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
The impact the flu has on both employee and employer health is significant, yet there are actions employers can take to help in keeping employees, and even their bottom line, healthy.
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Don’t Let the Flu Slow Down Your Office
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
The impact the flu has on both employee and employer health is significant, yet there are actions employers can take to help in keeping employees, and even their bottom line, healthy.
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Don’t Let the Flu Slow Down Your Office
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
The impact the flu has on both employee and employer health is significant, yet there are actions employers can take to help in keeping employees, and even their bottom line, healthy.
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Employee Wellness in the Open Office: How Layout Trends Affect the Spread of Germs
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
Long gone are the Mad Men days when you could retire to a spacious, private office between meetings. The open office trend is here to stay, and for good reason: the layout can foster collaboration, a livelier interchange of ideas and a greater sense of belonging to the team. Surrounded by coworkers, even Don Draper might have spent less time moodily staring out the window.
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Employee Wellness in the Open Office: How Layout Trends Affect the Spread of Germs
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
Long gone are the Mad Men days when you could retire to a spacious, private office between meetings. The open office trend is here to stay, and for good reason: the layout can foster collaboration, a livelier interchange of ideas and a greater sense of belonging to the team. Surrounded by coworkers, even Don Draper might have spent less time moodily staring out the window.
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Employee Wellness in the Open Office: How Layout Trends Affect the Spread of Germs
By Thom Wojtkun
National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate
Long gone are the Mad Men days when you could retire to a spacious, private office between meetings. The open office trend is here to stay, and for good reason: the layout can foster collaboration, a livelier interchange of ideas and a greater sense of belonging to the team. Surrounded by coworkers, even Don Draper might have spent less time moodily staring out the window.
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