

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

Student using PURELL hand sanitizer dispenser in hallway while talking to teacher and another student
Interactive Hand Hygiene Experiments for K-12 Students


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Schools are germy settings. As students go about their day at school, they touch shared objects like computer mice, water fountains, gym equipment, or the lunch checkout keypad, which contains thousands of germs. Some of those germs will hang out on their hands and can be introduced into their bodies when they touch their eyes, nose, and mouth.

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Convenience store employee cleans surface with PURELL disinfectant wipes
Why Choose PURELL® Surface Disinfection Products Over a Competitors? It’s on The Label.


By Ann Marie Hicho

Total Solutions Senior Manager - Surfaces, GOJO Industries

Reading a product label is not just for the grocery store aisle when you’re checking out the calories and ingredient list on a box of cereal. Reading a product label is also essential to selecting the best products for your business – and is particularly true when searching for the right surface sanitizing and disinfecting solutions.  Many products have precautionary statements like “Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals” or take as long as 10 minutes to kill the viruses you’re most concerned about. Surface disinfection is a key part of targeted cleaning in any establishment, so choosing the best product for the job is key. That is where reading the label comes in.

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Elementary aged girl using PURELL hand sanitizing wipes at classroom table with friends
Healthy Hands for a Healthy School Year


By David Miller

Marketing Director – Omnichannel, GOJO Industries

As we enter the back half of summer break, many families and teachers are looking ahead to the fall and the approach of another school year. Planning often begins with back-to-school shopping to stock up on items they’ll need to complete the school year successfully. This year, many shopping lists will include items to help prioritize healthy habits in the classroom – particularly since public health experts are concerned there may be an increased number of germs circulating this winter. With many children returning to in-person learning for the first time in a long time, help ease their adjustment and set them up for successful school year by reinforcing healthy habits, like hand hygiene.

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Mom helping young son wash his hands at a sink with PURELL soap dispenser nearby
Aren’t All Hand Soaps Essentially the Same?


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

The short answer is a confusing “yes and no.” We’ve all had the experience of using a soap that didn’t lather properly or that left our skin feeling tight and dry. This is because the soap formulation itself – as well as the practice related to dispensing the formulation – matter, for how the soap performs and feels during use, its germ and dirt removal efficacy, and how the soap leaves skin feeling after use. Here’s a little science to help understand why something as simple as soap can perform so differently and what to look out for when choosing a hand soap for your school district or college campus.

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Teacher sprays PURELL surface disinfectant on desks with students present
Reducing Harsh Chemicals in Classroom Cleaning and Disinfecting


By Morgan Polen

Former Education Market Business Development Director, GOJO Industries

Schools, colleges, and universities across the country have overcome herculean challenges in the past year, adjusting to guidance from many different health organizations. One mitigation strategy that education facilities continue to embrace most is the regular cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces. In fact, 91% of schools have reported more intensive cleaning protocols, with 85% of those schools mentioning that disinfecting wipes are now widely available in classrooms. 

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Teacher using PURELL surface wipes in classroom, with students present
What Chemicals Are In Your School's Cleaning Products?


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With back-to-school right around the corner, our hopes for the 2021-2022 school year are for our children to return to an in-person learning environment that is safe and healthy for all. But, unfortunately, some products used to disinfect school facilities are a better choice than others, especially for use around children.

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Two boys washing their hands at a school bathroom sink
Tips for Getting the Cleanest Hands in Schools


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to reduce germs that may cause illness in all settings, but particularly for schools. When germs such as those that cause flu, stomach bugs, and the common cold get onto hands and are not removed, they can be transmitted from person to person, causing outbreaks of infections. Germs from contaminated hands can also be transferred to surfaces and other objects, thus spreading the infection further. As germy settings, schools need the right tools, products, and guidance to promote effective and consistent hand hygiene practices among students and staff.

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Convenience store employee cleans surface with PURELL disinfectant wipes
Quickly Kill Germs with One-Step PURELL® Surface Wipes


By Ann Marie Hicho

Total Solutions Senior Manager - Surfaces, GOJO Industries

To expand our surface category options, GOJO has launched new PURELL® Surface Wipes which deliver the unprecedented combination of powerful efficacy and peace of mind. The portfolio of PURELL® Surface Wipes are category IV, the EPA's lowest allowable toxicity rating, have no harsh fumes or toxic chemicals, and do not require gloves, handwashing, or rinsing after use - even on food-contact surfaces. They quickly kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses – including cold and flu, norovirus, strep, Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli, whooping cough, MRSA, VRE, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). PURELL® Professional Surface Disinfecting Wipes and PURELL® Foodservice Surface Sanitizing Wipes are available now from your GOJO distributor.

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PURELL Personal Size tucked into pocket of man's jeans
Wherever You Go, Re-Engage Life Confidently with PURELL Hand Sanitizer


By Sarah Kelley

Total Solutions Senior Manager - Sanitizer, GOJO Industries

Over the course of the pandemic, hand hygiene habits changed forever. People are now more concerned about keeping their hands clean since it’s the best way to kill germs that may cause illness. As vaccination rates increase and many people are beginning to return to public life, it’s more important than ever to keep a small, portable hand sanitizer solution with you for when soap and water may not be close and convenient.

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Woman rubbing her hands together
Dry Hands? Don’t Blame Your Hand Sanitizer


By Kristen Green

Clinical Scientist, GOJO Industries

Your hands are valuable tools. Like any instrument, there is maintenance and upkeep required to ensure proper functioning. This pandemic has made everyone focus more on cleaning their hands – and that is excellent – but because of all that extra cleaning, some may be experiencing dry, cracked hands and blaming it on their hand sanitizer. However, there are many causes and solutions to dry hands.

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