Yesterday marked World Water Day, and this year, the United Nations (UN) has themed it, “Water and Sustainable Development.” At GOJO, water is critical to our delivery of health and well-being to the world. We are passionate about preserving this valuable resource.
Every day we strive to advance our long-term social sustainability goal of bringing well-being to one billion people. One way we are championing “water and sustainable development” is by striving to innovate and better our processes to reduce water use. We set a goal in 2010 of reducing water use in our operations by 30 percent by 2015. At the end of 2013, we had already achieved a 40 percent reduction.
This accomplishment speaks to the very core of the 1993 UN General Assembly designation of March 22nd as World Water Day – a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. At GOJO, we are committed to and innovating our way toward managing water in the future.
Our Global Commitment to Water and Sustainable Development
Seven hundred eighty million (780 million) people lack access to clean water, and 3.4 million people die every year from waterborne disease. Those numbers are staggering, and simply not acceptable. At GOJO, we provide hand hygiene solutions like PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer when access to clean water is limited. Migrant workers, deployed military personnel and victims of natural disasters have all benefited from this waterless solution.
At GOJO, we are proud of our role in bringing innovative products like PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer to areas of the world where clean water is not accessible. We are committed to continuing to reduce water usage through product and process innovation.
I would love to hear from you about this topic, and your insights into about what you or your organization is doing to preserve water. Share your comments with us or reach out to me at
Happy World Water Day!