

PURELL At the Pump

Fun, Sun and Summer Travel are Here

Jane Nabors


By Jane Nabors

Former Market Development Director, GOJO Industries

School is out, and we are about to head into the jam-packed season that is summer. Barbeques, baseball games, outdoor activities and summer travel are probably on the agenda for most of us, which means a lot of time in the car. According to AAA®, this could be the summer of the road trip with lower gas prices motivating millions of people to travel by car.1 So, how can you make sure you are staying healthy and road-ready as you enjoy your summer?

Hand hygiene, which includes using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, is one of the best ways to reduce the spread of illness-causing germs and the risk of getting sick. For me, I always make sure that I have PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer or PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes in the car. And one of the times I make sure to use these travel essentials is right after I fill up the car.

Based on GOJO-sponsored research2, we found that one of the locations with the highest levels of illness-causing germs is at the gas pump – in particular on the gas pump handle and the keypad. This is why GOJO offers its convenience store customers its PURELL® at the Pump program.  Look for PURELL at the Pump at your favorite Convenience Stores so you can sanitize your hands before heading into the store to purchase your favorite road trip snacks.

The gas pump is not the only time you should practice hand hygiene. Remember these key moments when you head out this summer:

  • Before and after preparing food;
  • Before eating;
  • After using the bathroom;
  • After sneezing or coughing; and
  • After touching anything that may transfer germs, such as restaurant menus, trash and even our pets. 

[1] Cheapest Summer Gas Prices Since 2009 on the Way. Retrieved June 3, 2015, from http://newsroom.aaa.com/tag/holiday-travel-forecast/
[2] Handwashing for Life, 2012

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