Hand hygiene is one of most important preventive measures healthcare workers can take to reduce the spread of infection. In fact, practicing good hand hygiene plays a critical role in helping to overcome the spread of antibiotic resistance, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has deemed as one of the most pressing public health threats for society today.
Electronic compliance monitoring solutions, like the GOJO® SMARTLINK™ Hand Hygiene Solution, are designed to track and monitor hand hygiene compliance and enhance patient safety.
This innovative GOJO system uses an Internet of Things solution to provide real-time hand hygiene compliance data so hospitals and healthcare facilities can accurately measure compliance rates. The GOJO SMARTLINK Hand Hygiene Solution uses Microsoft Azure to process and aggregate the data that is collected.
We were recently featured as part of the 2015 Microsoft Connect(); conference to detail our solution and discuss how Microsoft Azure allows us to deliver accurate and robust data for our clients.