Earlier this month, we kicked off our annual PURELL® 30-Day Challenge, which is designed to help your family incorporate practicing good hand hygiene into their everyday, healthy, and oftentimes busy routine. As a mom, I know firsthand the hustle and bustle that comes along with the back-to-school season, and the importance of keeping my family healthy with so many activities going on. This is why my family is taking the PURELL 30-Day Challenge, and I encourage you and your family to join in the fun!
As you know, hand hygiene is one of the most important preventive measures we can take to reduce the spread of illness-causing germs. The PURELL 30-Day Challenge is designed to provide families with a fun way to develop hand hygiene habits that can help keep both parents and kids healthy not only as they head back to school, but all year long as well. In fact, a study showed that using PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer three times a day for 30 days helps reduce the risk of spreading germs in the home that can cause illness.1
Practicing Hand Hygiene at Key Moments Helps to Reduce the Spread of Illness-Causing Germs
One of the easiest ways in which you can begin taking the Challenge and incorporating hand hygiene into your daily routine is by remembering the key moments of when to practice it. These moments include:
- Before and after preparing food;
- Before eating;
- Before and after caring for someone that is sick or around someone who is ill;
- After using the bathroom;
- After sneezing or coughing; and
- After touching anything that is in a high-traffic area that may have been touched by many different hands, such as the grocery cart handle, a telephone or a handrail.
Additionally, it’s important to make sure you always have an alcohol-based hand sanitizer in locations like the kitchen, bathroom and car. Making these products accessible can help to ensure that you are keeping your family healthy by encouraging them to practice good hand hygiene.
I hope you and your family are up for the Challenge! Learn more about the PURELL 30-Day Challenge at