

Kids will be kids Pass the PURELL

Kids Will Be Kids - #passthePURELL

David Williams


By David Williams

Marketing Director, PURELL Business Team

Swimming, riding bikes and vacation are all still on most of our minds, but the start of the school year is just around the corner. I can hear the kids sighing and maybe the parents rejoicing right now. But the one thing I know, after watching my own children this summer, is that no matter the time of the year, kids will be kids. This is why Kids Will Be Kids is the theme of our 2016 back-to-school campaign.

We know that kids like to explore their world hands-on. It's just their nature. And that is why summer and the back-to-school season is the perfect time for us to celebrate a child’s curiosity and sense of discovery. It’s a time for us to let kids be kids, and practicing good hand hygiene, which includes using PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer, allows us to do just that.

Living in a hands-on world – no matter if it is in our own backyards or in the classroom – can also mean an increase in the likelihood of us spreading germs from person-to-person. In fact, it has been reported that more than 80% of illnesses can be transmitted by the hands.1 The practice of good hand hygiene, which includes handwashing and using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, like PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer, is one of the best preventive measures we can all take to reduce the spread of germs that can cause illness.

There is no doubt that each and every day, and probably many times during the day, we wish we had PURELL™ products with us or that someone would #passthePURELL for those everyday germy instances. We would love for you to share those moments with us on social media using #passthePURELL. In fact, you might already be posting about these moments as you share your summer activities – camping or fishing trips, kids sharing toys or other moments when germs might be shared. 

So as kids head back to school, and all year long, let kids be kids and be sure to have PURELL™ products on hand so you can always be ready to #passthePURELL.

Learn more at www.PURELL.com/back-to-school.

1 2013 Meta-analysis of germ transmission data by Dr. Gerba, University of Arizona

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