Any upcoming travel plans? If so, make sure you pack PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer, which has once again been named the best hand sanitizer by travelers in TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Favorites.
Traveling is a fun and busy time, and a time you want to stay healthy. So it is important to remember to pack an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, like PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, and practice good hand hygiene throughout your trip to help reduce the spread of illness-causing germs. Whether you are traveling near or far, here are some key hand hygiene moments.
- Restaurants: After touching the menu and before eating. Too, if your adventures have you taking a cooking class, remember to practice good hand hygiene before and while preparing a meal
- Mass Transit: A lot of hands have touched the railings and knobs in many subways, trains and buses, so it is always a good idea to clean your hands when exiting
- Flying: Be sure to wipe down tray tables and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon exiting the plane
- Restrooms: It is always important to wash your hands after leaving the bathroom
- Sneezing and Coughing: Either washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after a sneeze and cough helps to reduce the spread of illness-causing germs
Good hand hygiene is essential in lowering the spread of germs. You have looked forward to your vacation, and using these tips, will help keep you and your family and friends healthy and well while traveling.
PURELL products come in a variety of sizes, perfect for purses, bags and backpacks. Learn more: