

GOJO Hand Hygiene Blog Recap: January - March 2016

The GOJO Blog Recap: January - March 2017

Kelly McGlumphy


By Kelly McGlumphy

Public Relations Senior Manager, GOJO Industries

Through the GOJO Blog, we provide you with timely information focused on how hand hygiene and surface cleaning and disinfection help to improve you and your family’s health and well-being. We also share insights on topics that are top of mind and trending in public health.

Throughout the past three months, we have shared with you important information on topics ranging from what you need to know about reducing the spread of the stomach flu, to how you can help promote employee hand hygiene at work. In case you missed it, here are the Top 10 posts from the first quarter of 2017.

  1. What You Need to Know About Norovirus
  2. Employee Wellness in the Open Office: How Layout Trends Affect the Spread of Germs
  3. Three Hand Hygiene Products That Help Strengthen Your Employee Wellness Program
  4. School and Sneeze and Sniffle Season Are Both in Session
  5. How to Promote Employee Hand Hygiene at Work
  6. Nature-Inspired Innovation Creating Sustainable Value
  7. Hand Hygiene Lesson Plans and Activities for K-12 Classrooms
  8. Norovirus: What Impact Does It Have on Your Restaurant?
  9. How Hand Hygiene Affects Your Hospital’s Ratings
  10. How GOJO Raised the Bar for Sharing Its Sustainability Progress

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