

Healthy Fun

A Healthy Fair is Healthy Fun

Elizabeth De Nardo


By Elizabeth De Nardo, Ph.D.

Skin Care Science and Technology Senior Scientist I

Agricultural fairs are family-friendly events typically featuring livestock, farming, and craft exhibits, truck and tractor pulling, rides, and entertainment.  Many community fairs offer outdoor food stands – with all my favorite foods, especially the cotton candy!

But as a microbiologist, I also know, how important it is to practice good hand hygiene at key moments during the fair.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide the following tips for fairgoers:

Wash Hands Often1

  • Locate handwashing stations
  • Wash your hands right after petting animals, touching the animal enclosure, and exiting animal areas – even if you did not touch an animal
  • Wash hands after using the restroom, after playing a game or going on a ride, before eating and drinking, before preparing food or drinks, after changing diapers, and after removing soiled clothes or shoes
  • Bring alcohol-based hand sanitizers or disposable wipes in case there aren’t any places to wash your hands
  • Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds

Enjoy the fair with quick and easy hand hygiene solutions like an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and hand sanitizing wipes so you and your family can quickly and safely enjoy all the finger foods at the fair!

More information is available at CDC.gov.

1. https://www.cdc.gov/features/fairsandfood/index.html

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