

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

GOJO Wooster Solar Array
Wooster Solar Project: Reflections One Year Later


By Tom Marting

Former Facilities, Environmental, Health, Safety, and Sustainability Director, GOJO Industries

It’s been a year since we flipped the switch and started generating solar power for the fulfillment operations at GOJO Wooster Campus. By the end of 2019, we generated more than 725 megawatt-hours and surpassed our 2020 renewable energy goal a year early.

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Reformulation of GOJO® MULTI GREEN® ECO Hand Cleaner: Sustainability in Action


By Dylan Beach

Sustainability Senior Manager, GOJO Industries

Challenging ourselves to set the bar for our industry is part of what we do at GOJO. The GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions, inspires us to continuously innovate and find new ways to enhance the lives of those we touch. We are proud to innovate in ways that have a positive impact, from a social, environmental, and economic sustainability point of view.

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GOJO Wooster Solar Array
GOJO Celebrates Sustainability Wins


By Dylan Beach

Sustainability Senior Manager, GOJO Industries

The GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions, inspires us to continuously innovate and find new ways to enhance the lives of those we touch. We recognize our role in creating a healthy future and put great effort into understanding and proactively managing the social, environmental and economic impacts of our business.

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Reducing our Chemical Footprint Also Advances the GOJO Purpose
Reducing our Chemical Footprint Also Advances the GOJO Purpose


By Dylan Beach

Sustainability Senior Manager, GOJO Industries

During the 1940s in Akron, Ohio, many factories were converted from making rubber tires to making goods for the war effort. During this time, GOJO co-founder Goldie Lippman worked in a rubber factory that made rubber life rafts for the Allied troops.

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GOJO Wooster Solar Array
GOJO Wooster Campus – Powered by Renewable Energy


By Tom Marting

Former Facilities, Environmental, Health, Safety, and Sustainability Director, GOJO Industries

GOJO has achieved one of its 2020 Sustainable Value Strategies and Goals – two years early.

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Earth Day is Every Day at GOJO
Fostering a Culture of Sustainable Value


By Brittany Cogdeill

Marking Associate, Canada, and SWOW Team Co-Leader, GOJO Industries

At GOJO, sustainability is inherent to our Purpose – Saving Lives and Making Life Better Through Well-Being Solutions – and is infused in everything we do, from the products we make to the ways our employees work.

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Earth Day 2017
Celebrating Our Commitment to Creating Sustainable Value


By Nicole Koharik

Former Corporate Communications Director, GOJO Industries

We are in the middle of Earth Week, a time each year when we focus on the social, environmental and economic challenges facing our world today. At GOJO, we honor this week, and every week, by celebrating our commitment to creating Sustainable Value for all GOJO stakeholders.

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Earth Day 2017
How Engaging with the GreenBiz Community is Helping GOJO Advance Our Purpose


By Nicole Koharik

Former Corporate Communications Director, GOJO Industries

GreenBiz has long been an important contributor to our sustainability work – serving as a source of education and a community to share our own sustainability story and connect with customers, thought leaders, peers and external partners.

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