

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

close-up of mist coming out of a disinfectant spray bottle
Danger! Decoding EPA Toxicity Ratings and Precautionary Statements on Surface Product Labels


By Matt Witten

Senior Total Solutions Director, GOJO Industries

You may be surprised to learn that many common surface disinfectants have some pretty alarming statements on their labels. Check a few labels next time you are at the store, and you will notice words like “CAUTION,” “WARNING,” or even “DANGER.” But who determines these signal words, and what level of risk is associated with each? Most importantly, how could those risks affect the people in your facilities?

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Man uses PURELL hand sanitizer stand in restaurant
When to Select Manual vs. Touch-Free Dispensers


By Stephen Wagner

Senior Total Solutions Manager, GOJO Industries

Good hand hygiene is a fundamental daily practice, particularly in businesses and facilities where many people gather and where there are shared surfaces and common areas. Increasingly, there is an expectation that businesses and facilities offer hand sanitizer at key locations, in addition to soap at all sinks. In fact, three in four people expect hand sanitizer to be offered in public spaces – more than half of those expect that hand sanitizer to be the PURELL® brand. Rather than cluttering up a facility with tabletop bottles, dispensers are a natural solution that eases maintenance, reduces bottle theft, provides a portion-controlled amount of soap or hand sanitizer, improves aesthetics, and makes it easier for the user.

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Red bucket in foodservice kitchen
Understanding the Food Safety Risks with Reusable Wiping Cloths and the “Red Bucket”


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

There’s a good chance that you’ve been to a restaurant and observed an employee grab a soaking wet cloth towel from a red bucket filled with solution and then use the towel to wipe a table clean for the next set of guests. But did you know this seemingly routine practice can carry food safety risks if not conducted properly? In this article, we will take a deeper dive into the practice of reusable wiping cloths, exploring some of the potential food safety risks of this practice as demonstrated by recent scientific efforts.

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Photo of raw chicken on a cutting board
Salmonella 101: Protecting Against Foodborne Illness


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

Many are familiar with norovirus, the most common cause of foodborne illness in the U.S. (we covered norovirus in this blog post) – it made a lot of news headlines over the past several months due to a high number of illnesses. But you may be less familiar with Salmonella – the #1 cause of hospitalization and death from foodborne illness in the U.S., according to the CDC, and the second most common cause of foodborne illness (commonly called food poisoning).

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Foodservice worker in commercial kitchen cleaning food contact surface
Top 5 Citations in Food Establishment Inspections & Prevention Tips


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

It has been 30 years since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) published the first Food Code, which serves as a model framework for ensuring food safety in retail food establishments – including restaurants, grocery stores, foodservice areas in convenience stores, caterers, and cafeterias in schools, hospitals, nursing facilities, and other institutions. State and local health departments are responsible for licensing and inspecting these foodservice operations and enforcing Food Code regulations, including potentially citing health code violations.

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Person's hand reaching for a pump of PURELL hand sanitizer from a PURELL ES8 dispenser
Hospitality and Leisure Labor Shortages: 3 Simple Ways to Save Staff Time and Show Guests You Care


By Michael Herbkersman

Market Development Manager, GOJO Industries

As the 2023 summer travel season rapidly approaches, the Travel, Hospitality, and Leisure industries are bracing for what might be a record year. It’s no secret that travel and leisure are back. Individuals and families are ready to get back to traveling to their favorite hotels, resorts, and attractions. The industry expects summer travel numbers to meet and likely exceed pre-pandemic levels. 

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Man holding hands palm up with a graphic of magnifying glass looking at germs
Proven Risks of Refillable Soap Dispensers


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

When you wash your hands, you expect them to be clean afterwards. Unfortunately, there is a common style of hand soap dispenser that has a high potential to leave your hands germier than before you started. At GOJO, we refer to this style of dispenser as a “refillable bulk” soap dispenser. Instead of having a sealed refill inside the dispenser that gets swapped out when it’s empty, this style of dispenser has an easy opening that someone pours soap into (for example, a hinged lid with a large bottle of soap to top it off). You’ve probably seen them in your daily outings – in public restrooms at rest stops, restaurants, and even schools. There are many different designs, but all have the same inherent risks.

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Generic looking pump bottles
Does Hand Sanitizer Expire?


By Chris Havanas

Regulatory Senior Manager, GOJO Industries

In 2020, hand sanitizer sales exploded as people tried to prepare for what turned out to be an unprecedented global pandemic. Three years later, many homes and businesses may be left with some of that hand sanitizer. It is likely nearing or past its expiration date – or there isn't an expiration date on the label – so you may be wondering if it is safe to use. This blog will help answer some of your questions.

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Classroom photo with teacher's desk in the foreground and student desks in the background
Do Your School's Disinfectants Leave Chemicals Behind?


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Schools are a breeding ground for germs – they're forever plagued by illness outbreaks that potentially disrupt student learning and facility operations. We know that surface disinfection is one key way to break the germ cycle, providing peace of mind that killing germs on surfaces means healthier school facilities. But have we thought enough about what is left behind after we kill the germs, and are we confident it's not another risk to our students and staff?

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WHO World Hand Hygiene Day graphic
Together, We Can Accelerate Action in Improving Hand Hygiene


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

As World Hand Hygiene Day approaches on May 5th, we join hospitals around the globe and the World Health Organization (WHO) in raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) frequently at key moments and washing with soap and water when hands are visibly soiled or contaminated are key steps in any infection prevention program. Public health organizations all over the world join in this celebration, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Canada.

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