We may not always realize it, but we serve as role models for each other. Our friends, co-workers and family members are all influenced in some way by both our good and bad habits. This is called social, behavioral health theory, but it works in practice too.
According to a 2008 study by the New England Journal of Medicine, people working in small companies were 34% more likely to quit smoking if a co-worker did.
At a community level, the folks in Bell County, Kentucky, created a program called “Team Up 4 Health.” The goal of the program was to spread healthy habits through each participant’s networks of friends and family members, thus improving the health of the entire community. So far, it’s showing very positive results.
While Team Up 4 Health is a large-scale program, it also works on a smaller scale, too. Think how your healthy habits can rub off on others around you.
Start a yoga class with your co-workers. Start sharing healthy recipes with friends. And, the next time you use PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer, share some with those around you. And together, we can create a healthy environment.
That’s how good health can be contagious. So, start spreading it!