

Hand Hygiene Long Term Care LTX

How One Hospital is Raising Awareness for the Importance of Hand Hygiene


By Wanda Mullins, BSN, MPH, RN, CIC

Director of Infection Control & Prevention, Akron General Medical Center

The SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands annual global campaign was launched in 2009 by World Health Organization as part of a major global effort to improve hand hygiene in healthcare. This year’s Global Hand Hygiene Day is May 5, 2015. Akron General Medical Center has joined close to 18,000 hospitals and healthcare facilities in nearly 140 countries as part of the campaign to promote hand hygiene awareness.

Hand hygiene is the most important tool healthcare workers use to protect patients. Akron General is raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene for our patients, visitors and staff.  Some awareness activities we have planned:

Patients and Visitors

  • Hand hygiene how -to cards with PURELL® Sanitizing Hand Wipes for patients, family and visitors
  • Video for patients describing the importance of practicing hand hygiene and that it is OK to ask or remind our healthcare workers


  • Video of our CEO performing hand hygiene and telling all staff members why it so important
  • Video on the home page of our intranet with fun music to promote hand hygiene
  • Leadership rounding to perform observations and give positive feedback to staff
  • Positive feedback with “You are a lifesaver” cards when staff  get “caught” performing hand hygiene
  • Recognition of high performing patient care areas with a congratulations certificate to post

Learn more about the important role hand hygiene plays in healthcare worker and patient safety. Use these resources to learn more:

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